Thames & Kosmos Legends of Andor New Heroes 5 and 6 Player Expansion Cooperative, Family, Strategy Board Game by Kosmos | Expand The Award Winning Game Legends of Andor, Multi, 11.6 (692261)
Four new heroes and heroines have risen to protect : , protector of the River lands, commander of the potent water spirit; fenny, the tracker, possessor of special tools and weapons; mighty brag or, the powerful fighter; and , the Guardian, with the ability to diminish the strength of enemy creatures. Now, the Legends from the basic game and from the "Star shield" Expansion can be experienced by up to six players. But even for just two, three, or four, these new heroes can offer some exciting variety.
- Band together; forge The fantasy; live the legend
- 2-6 players, 60-90 minute playing time
- 8 page fully illustrated rulebook
- This expansion Requires the legends of base game
- High quality components